Practice Areas

We are effective in
such areas of practices

Administrative law:
Consultancy in the legal formulation of economic projects for the development of public infrastructure;
Consultancy and legal advice for companies in the area of tenders and administrative contracts;
Representation of legal entities governed by private law in judicial and extrajudicial ways before public authorities;
Preparation of opinions in the area of bidding and administrative contracts.

Tax law:
Consultancy for federal, state and municipal taxes;
Administrative litigation through the challenge of infraction notices and monitoring of processes up to the maximum level of appeals;
Litigation of any nature up to the last resort, including in the area of Criminal Tax Law;
Consultancy in the tax area, especially with regard to tax planning, within the legal limits, in order to provide companies with legal tax savings;
Social security consultancy and litigation for companies;

Business Law:
Consultancy and legal advice for companies in corporate reorganization processes;
Consultancy and legal advice on mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs and incorporations of companies;
Representation of legal entities in judicial and extrajudicial ways;
Legal advice on technology transfer and know-how contracts;
Monitoring in negotiations, with preparation of opinions on international contracts;
Legal advice on contracting financial incentives;
Legal advice on the use of tax incentives;
Legal advice on contracting structural incentives;
Legal advice for foreign exchange contracts, transport, insurance, international inspections, bank guarantees;
Legal advice for specific issues in corporate, tax, labor and intellectual property matters;
Legal advice for the installation of industrial, commercial and service plants in industrial and service centers;
Drafting contracts for the incorporation of legal entities and subsequent amendments;
Business contracts for know-how, technology acquisition and of any kind;
Bankruptcies, liquidations and judicial recovery of companies;

Labor Law:
Preventive Action and Labor Litigation for unions of workers, professional or economic categories;

Health Law:
Advocacy, consultancy and legal advice in the management of mass litigation in supplementary health;
Legal consultancy and advice on health dispute system design;
Legal consultancy and advice, planning and management in public and supplementary health;
Legal consultancy and advice on contracts for the decentralization of health services - OSCIP, OS and OSC models;
Legal advice and advice on governance and compliance in the health area;
Legal consultancy and advice on legal and economic modeling of concession projects and public-private partnerships in the field of public health;
Legal consultancy and advice for companies in the area of public tenders and administrative contracts for the management of services of general interest in the field of public health;
Representation of legal entities governed by private law in judicial and extrajudicial ways before public authorities;
Preparation of opinions in the area of bidding and administrative contracts.

Mining Law:
Advocacy, consultancy and legal advice for companies and individuals in mining rights and related obligations;
Legal advice and assistance in mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs and incorporations of companies in the mining sector;
Representation of legal entities in judicial and extrajudicial ways in situations before the ANM;
Drafting contracts in the area of mineral exploration and supply of ores.

Environmental Law:
Representation of legal entities in judicial and extrajudicial cases in situations before federal, state and municipal environmental agencies;
Advocacy, consultancy and legal advice in environmental licensing processes before federal, state and municipal environmental agencies;
Legal advice and assistance in environmental compensation processes governed by Decree 9;179/2017 and environmental services governed by Federal Law 14.119/2021;
Legal advice and assistance in public-private partnerships and common concession of solid waste and sanitation.

Arbitration and Mediation:
Advocacy, mediation, consultancy and legal advice for companies and individuals in national and international arbitration proceedings or conflicts for civil, administrative, tax, corporate, mining and related obligations.

Criminal Law:
Judicial and extra litigation, in matters of administrative improbity and economic criminal law involving managers, public servants and entrepreneurs
Monitoring preliminary procedures in traffic accidents and criminal courts
Advocacy practice in criminal courts and ordinary criminal instances in criminal charges against honor, against the Public Treasury, against liberty, against patrimony, against intangible property, against public finances and against public safety.

Administrative law:
Consultancy and legal advice for public entities in the area of tenders and administrative contracts;
Consultancy in the legal formulation of economic projects for the development of public infrastructure;
Consultancy and legal advice for companies in the area of tenders and administrative contracts;
Representation of legal entities governed by public law in judicial and extrajudicial ways before public authorities;
Drafting of contracts and public notices in the area of bids and administrative contracts;
Preparation of opinions in the area of bidding and administrative contracts;
Advice and Advocacy for public agents in the administrative and judicial spheres, in disciplinary and improbity proceedings;
Action for review and regularization of Municipal precatories in TJ-BA.

Tax law:
Consultancy for federal, state and municipal taxes;
Consultancy for the structuring of the municipal tax sector and its active debt, training of the inspection team and support staff in relation to municipal tax legislation, updating and compatibility of municipal tax legislation;
Consultancy for the implementation of Administrative Litigation to analyze the challenge of infraction notices and follow-up of processes up to the maximum degree of administrative appeals;
Judicial litigation of any nature up to the last appeal level, including in the area of Criminal Tax Law involving managers and public servants;
Social security consultancy and litigation for public entities and public agents.
Financial Law:
Consultancy and legal advice for planning and public projects and respective performance in the area of tenders, concessions, public-private partnerships and administrative contracts;
Representation of legal entities governed by public law in judicial and extrajudicial ways before public authorities in matters of financial law, especially before the respective Courts of Auditors;
Consultancy, advice and monitoring for the implementation of public pension systems in public entities before the Ministry of Social Security and related bodies;
Social security consultancy and litigation for public entities, regarding the recovery of public, tax and non-tax credits;
Consultancy, monitoring and judicial litigation for public entities, regarding the transfer of public funds by constitutional, legal or voluntary transfer

Labor Law:
Preventive Action and Labor Litigation in the TRT of the 5th Region and TST;
Action for review and regularization of Municipal precatories in the TRT of the 5th Region.